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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Why I LOVE Insanity

Yesterday, I finished day 60 of Insanity. YAY. I feel kind of amazing. Not to brag or anything, but it is a big accomplishment for me. I had to dedicate myself to working out every single day, something I have never done for that length of time before. Not only did it help me lose some serious weight (14 lbs as of yesterday morning), but I have developed a true routine. I can't not exercise anymore. It has helped me develop a pattern of health and love it! I also had to educate myself about food, which has opened my eyes to so many things. Before Insanity, I had no idea what I was eating, what I should/shouldn't eat, or what I needed for my specific body type. What you eat is key to losing/maintaining/gaining weight. So, yay for me. Today, I am going to start with Day 1 of Insanity again. Jason and I bought P90X, but I'm going to be out of town for a few weeks. I'll take Insanity with me and he can do P90X while I'm gone. It works out pretty nicely. When I get home, though, I'm planning on starting P90X. Maybe I'll get ripped. Maybe not. I just want to continue improving my life. I was thinking about posting before and after pictures of myself, but I haven't taken any after pictures yet. And I don't want to offend anybody, so we'll see. Also, I am a much happier person now that I have started improving myself. So, it has all around been one of the best experiences ever.

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